Welcome to Kista Ju-Jutsuklubb
For more information contact Håkan Hesselgren, 070-718 5947, or japanskjujutsu@kistasc.com. For a map to find us click here and any contact information, see here: Kontakt
As a beginner
there is a two-week trial period before the fee must be paid.
The fee for each term is listed here, Träningsavgift.
Each term is about 5 months and starts and ends at about the same time as the school's spring- or fall- terms.
We can admit beginners to the children's class only for the first 6-8 weeks at the beginning of the term.
You can begin training in any soft clothing (eg, sweat pants and t-shirts).
We train barefoot, so you do not need any socks or shoes. And please bring a water bottle also.
When you’ve been training for a while there are gi (Jutsu suit) to buy from several shops. What to choose and where to find them: Dräkter.
Schedule and dates
Training times for each group of different ages, see our schedule for the groups.
6 - 9 years, kids' group (Knattegrupp)
9 years - upwards, children's group (Barngrupp)​
​See the main Calendar for this club, included is also some of the events organized by the main organization, and other clubs in Sweden.
Ju-Jutsu training
Ju-jutsu is an old Japanese method for unarmed self-defense. Ju-jutsu can be translated to ”Art of gentleness”, but one should not make the mistake to believe that it means ”weak” techniques. Ju-jutsu, as trained in the SJJA clubs today, is modernized and systemized to fit Swedish laws about self-defense. Ju-jutsu is also an excellent form of exercise for increasing one’s flexibility, coordination, and strength. At a more advanced level, Ju-jutsu can be practiced with very fast and complex techniques.
Ju-jutsu training is fun and variable. It covers for example takedowns, throws, punches, kicks, blocks, joint-locks, ground fighting, and more (children’s training does not include punches and kicks). We use different colors on our belts in order to differ the skills and knowledge of Ju-jutsu students. We begin with a white belt it then follows with yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, and a black belt. The black belt is divided into 10 degrees (Dan).
The style Ju-jutsu Kai
"Ju-Jutsu Kai" means ”the Ju-jutsu Society” or ”the Ju-jutsu Organization”. The name was used to set apart this style from all other Ju-Jutsu styles in Sweden. Read about this style here: Ju-Jutsu Kai
Mr. Viking Cronholm introduced Ju-jutsu in Sweden in 1908. The modernized Ju-jutsu we are training today started to spread all over Sweden in the 1960s. We consider 1970 as the year when our style, our grading system, was started by Mr. Hans Greger, now a 10th Dan Red belt in Ju-jutsu.
We are members of
The Swedish Ju-jutsu Association, SJJA, (in Swedish ”Svenska Ju-jutsuförbundet, SJJF”) . Today the SJJA has approx. 6.000 members in almost 85 member clubs.